
Customize you own 99 roses bouquet from rose colour to wrapper. All you decide.

99 roses with Personality

Create your own Wow 99 rose bouquet. Customised your own free-spirited of bouquet of 99 roses. Colours and wrapping design all chosen by you. This personalised 99 roses hand bouquet will delight your love for any romantic reason. Be assured that this impressive 99 rose flower bouquet by you are personally hand delivered by our flower delivery expert.

  • *Need Special Delivery?

    Urgent/ Early/ Late Night/ Specific/ Public Hoilday

    Special Delivery

    Note: Order 24hrs in ADV.

    Timing from 0700Hrs- 0959Hrs

    Note: Order 24hrs in ADV. Timing from 1001Hrs- 0600Hrs (next day)

    Note: Order 24hrs in ADV.

    Timing from 11am-9pm

    If delivery is to be made to the following restricted areas: Sentosa Island, Airport Cargo Complex, Airline Road, All Army camps,Jurong Island, Tuas, Gul Road, & Pioneer Road, All PSA Ports including Singapore Cruise Centre, Sembawang Shipyard, Marina Bay Sands

    Note: Order 24hrs in ADV.

    Special Delivery Instruction

  • Complete the gift

  • *Color Type

    *Rose Color

    *Rose Color 2

    *Wrap Style

    *Wrapper Colour

SKU: H-99 CUSTOMIZE 99 ROSES Categories: ,
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